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The Femalepreneurs Club

  • 2 Steps


The Femalepreneurs Club You've done it - you've started your own business (yay!). You might have even got a good few sales by now. And you're at the point where you know you need some help. That's where the Femalepreneurs Club comes in. So what does your £25 a month get you? - Access to a private Facebook group - Monthly Zoom Q&A covering a range of topics to help you grow - Unlimited access to all pre-recorded Masterclasses - 1:1 Coaching via WhatsApp - Training sessions with industry experts, covering everything from Marketing to Finance and Pricing. I've been where you are. Wanting to grow and develop your business without quite knowing how. Needing to know more about making profit, taxes and all the finance stuff. Feeling like a sense of community would really help you on your business journey. Not so long ago, that was me. And before I knew it, I'd grown a 6 figure business. This is so attainable for you too - join us in The Femalepreneurs Club and I'll show you how. It's a totally safe space, where there's no such thing as a silly question.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


The Femalepreneurs Club, £25.00/month


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